Sunday, June 8, 2008

Big News!!!

Zack and I have big news for everyone. We are pregnant with baby #2! We have actually been pregnant since January. We just found out this week that we are having another girl. We are really excited for Ady to have a little sister. Originally my due date was November 7th, and I was only supposed to be 18 weeks on friday. But at my 18 week appointment this week we found out that the baby was measuring 21 weeks. So the doctor moved my due date up three weeks to October 15, 2008. That made me even more excited that I'm farther along than I thought I was. We still haven't come up with any names for this one, but we have a little time. Ady points at my belly and says "baby" and gives her kisses. She is so sweet. We also taught her to say "sister". We know she's going to be a great big sister!
Here's our new baby girl.

They told us she is definitely a girl. This proves it!

This is a 3-D picture of the baby's face. Pretty cool huh?! She looks just like me (ha ha ha).


Lisa said...

Keri and Zack- Congrats! We almost had the same due date (Nov. 8th for me). My doc almost moved mine up as well. After I had an ultrasound they kept it the same. I'll be super jealous of you for a few weeks. Congrats though!

Sarah said...

Hello!! I'm so glad you have a blog, it will be awesome to keep up with you when you move! Adylin is so cute!! She's getting so big! Isn't it crazy how fast they grow up? And congrats on the new one! I'm so excited for you guys! Love you and good luck with your move!

A Momma said...

I am so excited for you to have another baby and for the exciting move. We will miss you guys, but I'm glad we're fellow bloggers so we can keep in touch. Good luck with the move. Check us out at

Michael & Nikki said...

CONGRATS!!! Ady will LOVE being a big sister!! and you guys will have your hands full!!! I hope all is well.. and Good Luck :o)