Friday, July 11, 2008


So things have been a little crazy around here the last few weeks, but I think we are finally settling down and finding a groove. To start with we had all the issues with getting the house finished to deal with, and we are still dealing with some of that. It's really annoying. Then our car got hit before I'd even been here a week. Some jerk backed into the front end and then took off. So we have been trying to get all that taken care of; what a pain! Then we found us a new car (this was obviously a much happier event for us). We got an '04 Mitsubishi endeavor. I love it. It's nice a roomy inside, plenty of room for babies!! But Zack did have to start school on the 30th of June, and it hasn't been pleasant for him. On top of that Zack got pretty sick and the beginning of this week. Had fevers off and on for like 24 hours, but he's doing much better now. We've had to deal with mice infestations and bugs up the gazoo. It's all starting to get better now though.

On this past Sunday Ady started nursery! It was so awesome to just be able to sit and relax and listen to the last two meetings! WOW! And I'll only be able to enjoy it for like three months. So sad. Oh well, I guess the trade off is pretty good eh?! It's hard to believe she is already 18 months. Well technically we did start her a week early, but still. Anyway, they said she did really well and she only cried for like two seconds when I left and then she forgot all about me. She didn't want to leave when we went to pick her up. She is so goofy, we love her to death. She is trying so hard to talk in sentences already, it's crazy. She's also really good at labeling things. For example when she lays on our bed she always points and says "daddy's pillow" or "mommy's pillow" and "daddy's/mommy's shoes". It's so fun. She's really good at talking already, but she can't say the "f" sound for some reason. Insead of a fork, she uses a sork. It's pretty funny.

Things are going a lot better. We love our ward, they are so nice. It's full of young families and a lot of other dental students. We love it. Anyway, we miss everyone and we love you all.


B and C said...

Hey girl! Sorry I didn't tell you about my blog. I seriously never really used it until recently. Anyway, it sounds like you had some fun moving adventures! Dang. It seems like when crap happens, it happens all at once, huh.

Anyway, if you ever come this way to visit we'll definitely have to meet up. I miss you!

Good luck with the 2nd kid! You're way ahead of me. Maybe when I finally get to that point, you can give me some advice.

Monica Jackman said...

Hey you guys! We went over to Toby and Savanna's and they gave us your blog address. We are glad to see that you guys are doing well in oky land. And congrats on the new baby on the way. I thought you were pregnant when we were at your house and Zach joked about you being pregnant. How exciting! We will have to keep in touch through our blogs.

*Carma Barnett e-mailed me and told me she met you guys. They are so fun- you will have to get together with them.

M & J said...

Wow- oh Keri bless your heart! I hope things settle down soon! When it rains it pours! I so understand! Just know we're thinking of you guys & wish you all well. Moms always seem to come last so take care of you & the baby! I hope you have a good week. I wish we lived closer! Give Zack & Ady a hug! TTYL Love you all!

Anonymous said...

Wow, sounds like you had some hectic times. Hopefully that is all over with now. It is good to hear that you are still doing well. I can't believe Ady is growing up so fast. You'll need her too with another on the way.

So we totally wish you were here, we're trying to plan a girls trip with the sizz girls. We'll miss you so much!

Kristen and Rob Christiansen said...

Hey Keri its Kristen I just started a blog spot just thought i would let you know! Im so happy you are having another girl! I hope you love your new house.

Topher and Carma said...

Hey Keri- I found your blog from Monica's. I had no idea you guys had been having such bad luck, you should have called. We really need to have you over for dinner sometime. When is Zack done with Anatomy? Do you finally feel like you are settled? Talk to you soon!