Monday, May 4, 2009

The Brinkers

Brinkley is growing so fast! I can't believe she is almost already 7 months old. At her 6 month check-up she was in the 75th percentile for height and 25th percentile for weight. Talk about being completely opposite of Ady. Their faces do look a lot alike though. She is so much fun. She is also still very attached to me; won't let me out of her sight without crying. Her first tooth just broke through a few days ago. And she still isn't eating solids very well, but she loves orange juice! She and Ady are now sharing a room and doing really well with it. Brinkley falls asleep pretty fast even though Ady is sometimes awake for an hour or more talking or singing or banging on the walls. I love having them both in there together finally, and am so glad that it's working out. I love having girls, they are so fun. Here are some cute pictures of her and some of Ady too...

They both love their tubbies, even though
Ady doesn't share the toys very well

This is how much she loves solids

Easter morning

Both in their soccer jerseys from Brazil


Michael & Nikki said...

Keri, your girls are getting so big, and they look a lot alike!! Glad to see you guys doing so well!! How is OK?

RL said...

they are getting so big - can't wait to see you.

RL said...

and of course cuter and cuter - ady looks like a little girl now instead of a baby

Erickson Family said...

oh my gosh they are both getting so big, how fun for you