Monday, May 5, 2008

Zack & Keri

Hey everyone, I'm finally starting a blog for Zack and I. There are so many things going on this summer. First of all, I graduated on Saturday, May 3rd! It feels so great to be done with school. Savanna also graduated, and we had a big barbacue out at my Mom and Dad's house. It was a blast. Now I finally have the time to do this kind of stuff, it's awesome. Zack and I have also been planning a big trip to Brazil this summer. We are leaving on the 14th of May, and we won't be home until the 30th. We are both excited, and I'm a little nervous. Zack and one of his companions that lives down there have been planning a lot of stuff for us to do. Ady will be staying in Arizona with Grandma and Grandpa Larson. It will be hard to leave her for that long, but we decided it was better than taking her on two 10 hour flights. Not to mention it's a pretty dangerous place. A week and a half after we get home from Brazil, Zack and both of our Dads will be driving all of our stuff out to Oklahoma. Robbi, Ady, and I will be flying over on the 16th of June. We are so excited to move into our house. We will be living in Oklahoma City and Zack will be attending Dental School at Oklahoma University (Go Sooners!). He starts school on June 30th, so he doesn't get much of a summer break. I will be spending my time at home playing with Adylin! She and I are currently trying to talk the Dad into letting us get her a puppy. That will keep us well occupied. We are also really sad to be leaving all of our friends and Family in Cedar. We love it here and we will definitely miss it. But we are very excited to get out and try something new. I will try to keep in contact with everyone, the best way is through this blog or through my e-mail: or Zack's email:
We love you all and we wish you good luck and a great summer.


B and C said...


Way to graduate girl! I am proud of you. I know that can be hard after you have a kid - not that I would know, but I've heard ;)

Man, I really wish that we could have gotten together when you were up here last. Just bad timing I guess. I still need to call you sometime and we'll chat and catch up on life. Take care! Christina 801-735-2298

Jewels Rules said...

Wow you are graduated that is so dang exciting.. I think sometime in my life I may graduate.. I just haven't been that determine but I think that you are awesome that you graduated.. Brazil.. fun stuff.. And Oklahoma.. Kenny is starting a new job in Oklahoma maybe it'll be close to you and I can travel out there with him when he goes and see you..

Jason & Paloma Haslam said...


Paloma wanted to leave a comment but she was having a hard time logging in so she asked me to leave it:

Ola,Zack e Keri!
Nossa!Gostei muito do Blog de vocês.As fotos estão lindas demais,vocês têm um bom gosto pela casa,viu!É linda demaisss,me apaixonei por ela,infelizmente Jason não vai querer sair de St.George,tão cedo,rsrsrs..
Desejo tudo de bom a vocês,e que possam aproveitar essa nova etapa da vida de vocês.Muitos abraços da cunhadinha brasileira,rsrs...Paloma Silva