Sunday, September 21, 2008

I hate bugs...

I hate bugs so much.  And Oklahoma is definitely the wrong place to live for someone who hates bugs.  There are millions of bugs here; big bugs, little bugs, bugs who climb on rocks, and I really hate them.  I've sprayed the outside of my house with bug stuff like three times since we've been here, but apparently the bugs here have superpowers and are immune to bug spray because they are still getting into the house everywhere.  Anyway, the reason I'm on this subject is because we found a HUGE black widow spider in our garage yesterday.  It was actually down in our storm shelter, under one of the benches.  We think that the spider also killed the two mice that were living down there, which made it smell really nice.  So Zack spent yesterday cleaning out the shelter and catching the spider.  She is seriously so big.  It creeps me out a lot to think about having to go down there now.  But I guess if I'm about to get attacked by a tornado I might go down.  So I guess what I'm really trying to say is that I hate bugs (and the giant spiders).  Luckily we haven't found any black widows in the house yet, so I guess I should be thankful for that, which I am.  So if you hate bugs, don't live in Oklahoma.    


Haslams said...

Scary! I'm with you, bugs are not allowed in my presence. Brandon on the other hand likes to "let them be" or "catch and release" outside. Eleanor is enthraled with bugs... her favorite are ants. I swear she is going to rid the back patio of any ant that has ever even thought of being on my back step by pinching it between her fingers and coming to show it to me while telling me its a "BOOUG!"
Good luck!

Cody Kristen Stocks said...

I hate bugs too Keri. We have alot of Black Widows in our house. It worries me that Kayden will get bit. Good Luck

A Momma said...

EW! I hate bugs so much that if they are too big for me to deal with I cry. The other day there was a giant stick-like bug with wings (like 3 inches long) on the tire of the car right next to the door where Jane sits. I was holding Jane while trying to shoo it off with my foot. Then I threw a rock at it and missed, but hit and chipped the paint on the car. By this point both Jane and I were yelling at it. I ended up just putting Jane in the car while feeling the heebie jeebies and then driving away smashing it as I went. I tried to warn it. Yuck. The midwest has creepy bugs.

Oh, good luck with the baby! I can't believe it's almost time.

Erickson Family said...

I don't hate bugs but I do hate spiders and mice:) so I definately will not move to oklahoma, thanks for the heads up:)